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Solusi Duka is a one-stop platform (website) for virtual hosting and documentation of funeral processions

Personalized Website for the Deceased ( "Ruang Duka Digital" ) that includes the following features: Digital Obituary, Livestreaming & Documentation of Funeral Processions, Ordering Condolence Flowers (Digital & Regular Flowers), Giving Donation, and Giving Condolence Messages or Eulogy

Personalized Website for the Deceased ( "Ruang Duka Digital" ) that includes the following features: Digital Obituary, Livestreaming & Documentation of Funeral Processions, Ordering Condolence Flowers (Digital & Regular Flowers), Giving Donation, and Giving Condolence Messages or Eulogy

Please contact our Call Center (+62-877-8055-5858)

You can inform us via email to: cs.@solutionduka.com and/or through our Call Center at 0877 8055 5858.

Our handling will vary for each service. Regarding the content of personalized website "Ruang Duka Digital" (data of family members, event schedule, etc.) and Digital Condolence Flowers, we will revise it immediately upon receiving your feedback. For Livestreaming recordings, it will be on case-by-case basis and we will always strive to give our best for our customers

The leadtime varies depending on the service used.
For personalized website "Ruang Duka Digital" and its features (digital obituary, order of condolence flowers, giving donation and condolence messages) will be accessible no later than 1 hour after we receive the complete data of the Deceased.

Live Streaming & Photogprahy services can be done as soon as complete data form & operator availability can be confirmed

Please contact our Call Center (+62-877-8055-5858)

Please contact us via email to: cs.@solutionduka.com and/or through our Call Center at 0877 8055 5858

Go-Pay, BCA Virtual Account, Bank Transfer or PayPal

You will receive an email notification or confirmation via WhatsApp for the transaction history of your purchase